Bring Positivity Back Into Your Life With These 8 Marvelous Suggestions

Mike Veny

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Bring Positivity Back Into Your Life With These 8 Marvelous Suggestions

Life is all about what you make it into. Once you realize this, your life can get a whole lot better. The problem is that so many people don’t realize that this is all it takes. We all have so many responsibilities and so many different things going on that we simply just want to get home and relax before the next day arrives. Before we know it, decades have passed, and we are doing pretty much the same thing that we’ve always done. While this isn’t that much of a problem in the grand scheme, it is something to think about and something that can wrack our brains. 

A simple change in one’s mindset can be the catalyst for so much good in their life. It might sound like such a basic change, but it really can do so much for an individual’s entire existence. Being a positive person from now on until the rest of your life will really change everything for the better. For many, the idea of being positive a lot of the time is nonsense as they would rather deal with a realistic mindset instead. The problem is that pessimism and realism have a very fine line between them. If you are interested in being a positive human being, there are so many ways you can get going with it. Here are eight ways you can bring positivity back into your life if you feel as though you have lost it: 

Address The Issues That Have Been Bugging You Head-On 

It’s very easy to avoid personal issues that are going on in your life. Sitting back and letting things stew tend to be okay as we have so many other things going on in life at the same time. The problem with this, however, is that it means the problems will likely mount up and everything will be exacerbated. If you have a personal issue with somebody in your family and it is eating away at you, the best thing to do is finally bring it up and get to the bottom of everything. It will make you feel so much better about yourself and it will stop that nagging feeling. If there’s something that’s bugging you regarding your health, it’s best to finally get it sorted out instead of waiting for ages. Whether it’s a teeth-straightening situation or something that might be perhaps a little more serious, it’s best to attack it head-on instead of burying your head in the sand. 

Change Up The Way You Look And Add A Little Variety

By no means must you change your look in order to be more beautiful as you are fantastic just the way you are. Adding a little more variety to your look could give you so much confidence in the short and long term, however. If you are comfortable doing the same things all of the time and looking the same for years, then that’s absolutely fine. Some people might need to add a little something extra in order to get a little more confidence, though. Whether it’s a case of getting hair lowlights, getting an entirely new style, or completely changing your wardrobe, this might be a fantastic idea in terms of bringing back a positive outlook. 

Look To Practice A More Positive Way Of Thinking 

This sort of goes without saying because this entire article is about adopting a positive mindset, but directly putting in the effort to do so would make a lot of sense. So many people think the idea of positive thinking is pointless and even delusional at times. While toxic positivity is something that perhaps we should avoid, it’s not entirely a stupid thing. When we think positively, we can make the most of pretty much any situation. Negative people with pessimistic outlooks will make even the greatest times feel as though there are problems around the corner. Positive thinking always makes one’s life better and improves their confidence significantly. It won’t happen overnight and it’s something that may take a few months, but this is a marvelous habit to get into. It will improve the lives of yourself and everyone around you. 

Surround Yourself With All The Right People

In this life, you have to make sure that you spend time with people who are going to benefit you. This doesn’t mean that you should be using them for your own gain, but their characteristics and traits will have a huge effect on your existence. If you spend too much time around people who have negative viewpoints all the time, you are likely going to be a miserable and negative human yourself. Likewise, if you spend time with people who can see the best in everything, you will be an open-minded and optimistic person for a very long time. When you make mistakes, you’ll have people around you telling you about how they’re beneficial to learning. These kinds of people will give you the confidence to try new things and to enjoy the life you have. If it means removing certain people from your circle or speaking to them a little less, then so be it. 

Do Your Best To Keep More Active And Put Your Body In A Better Place

The idea of being on your feet more might be slightly annoying if you’re somebody who has been out of the habit for a while. Being told to get up and move can be very annoying when you aren’t in the mood. If you can get into a fitter habit and if you can be more active with your days, your mind will feel such a huge relief and benefit. When we are on the move, our brain releases all the best chemicals that make us feel positive and confident. We then feel the need to get up and do more activities instead of sitting around for too long.

Eat Better Foods And Give Yourself More Energy

If you want to be a positive and optimistic human being, you have to make sure that you are consuming the right things. In order for our brains to function properly, we have to be fully hydrated and properly nourished. It’s very easy to get distracted and forget about this kind of important task a lot of the time. When you don’t have any energy, you tend to think about the worst things, and you become a little more lethargic. 

Think About Life In The Long Term Instead Of Just The Short Term 

This kind of perspective is so important to have if you want to be a positive person with the right kind of outlook. Just thinking about things in the short term and worrying about what’s around the corner will mean that some of the decisions you make will not be correct. If you think in the long term and consider what might happen years down the line, you might end up benefiting further down the line. Due to this perspective, you might start feeling a little more confident about yourself regarding many aspects of your life. You’ll feel as though the future is brighter and more positive than perhaps it was before. 

Think Of New Ways To Make Money Or Earn A Living

In this life, money rules over us. Whether we like it or not, money plays such a big part in how our lives go. If you want to live a happy and fruitful one, you have to make sure there’s enough in the bank. The way you know money plays a huge part in your mindset and overall happiness. If you want to have a positive outlook on life, perhaps you could think about how you’d like to wake up every Monday morning for work.

Mike Veny

Mike Veny won Corporate LiveWire’s 2022 & 2023 Innovation & Excellence Awards for his work as a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist®. He also won NAMI New York State’s 2023 Leader Of Mental Health Awareness award. As a PM360 ELITE Award Winner, he was recognized as one of the 100 most influential people in the healthcare industry for his work with patient advocacy. Determined to overcome a lifetime of serious mental health challenges, Mike’s career began as a professional drummer and evolved into becoming a change maker in the workplace wellness industry. Mike is the author of several books, including the best-selling book, Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero. He is currently furthering his knowledge at Maharishi International University, pursuing a Consciousness and Human Potential degree.