
Tips for Starting Your Own Wellness Shop

Tips for Starting Your Own Wellness Shop

Via Pixabay The wellness industry is booming. More and more people are interested in living a healthy lifestyle and are willing to spend money on products and services to help them achieve their wellness goals. So if you've been thinking about starting your...

Workplace Wellness Trends to Look for in 2023

Workplace Wellness Trends to Look for in 2023

Another year has come and gone, and we are all starting to shift our focus to 2023. The workforce has seen tremendous shifts, pivots, and challenges throughout the last several years, which has led us to where we are today. As we prepare for the new year to arrive,...

Make Moving Less Stressful with These Tips

Make Moving Less Stressful with These Tips

Image source: Pexels We build our lives around convenience. We live in locations that allow us to grow roots, and we work as close as we can to home. Nobody likes a giant commute, but the problem is that moving from place to place can be relatively...

5 Self-Care Ideas To Help You Reduce Stress

5 Self-Care Ideas To Help You Reduce Stress

 Photo by Prasanth Inturi Stress is a normal part of our lives, and it can push us to do things we might not have done otherwise. When we deal with stress in a healthy way, it can give us the boost we need to meet our deadlines, finish our school or work...

7 Alternative Forms Of Mental Health Therapy To Consider

7 Alternative Forms Of Mental Health Therapy To Consider

Pexels. CCO Licensed When it comes to seeking therapy to improve your mental health, there are many different solutions out there beyond traditional therapy. Such alternative methods may not be suitable for all mental health problems but could be surprisingly...