Starting a new job is stressful and intimidating; you don’t know anyone and you’ll be the new kid for at least a few weeks. In addition to being new and not knowing anyone, you also want to make a good first impression. Sometimes you can get a sense of the culture of...
How to Know When It’s Time to Move on From Your Job
Sometimes we can get too comfortable with the job we are in, and changing seems like a huge hassle. However, knowing when it is time to leave your current job and move on is important, so here are some ways you can tell when it might be time to go. Work-Life...
8 Tips On How To Quit Those Pesky Bad Habits
Photo by Madison Inouye If you want to improve your mental health and well-being, you need to start by breaking bad habits. Habits can be hard to break, but taking steps to identify and address them can make a huge difference. Here are some of the most common...
4 Ways Stress Creates Discomfort and How to Tackle The Effects
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio Do you feel like you're constantly under pressure? Do you feel like you can't get a break from the stress of your job, your family, or your life in general? If so, you're not alone. Stress is one of the most common problems that people face...
How Keeping Physically Fit Improves Your Mental Health
Image from Pixabay - CC0 License Mental health and physical health are strongly linked with each other. That's not to say you can cure depression by doing a bit of yoga or walking off mental illness, but striving to be physically fit can help to improve your...
Anxiety: What It Is and How to Cope
via Pexels Anxiety is a feeling of fear, worry, or unease. It can be mild or severe and may be accompanied by physical symptoms such as a racing heart, shortness of breath, or dizziness. For some people, anxiety is so constant that it significantly impacts their...