Health Coach for Weight Loss Accountability? [CRITICAL]

Mike Veny

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Health Coach for Weight Loss Accountability? [CRITICAL]


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Mike Veny:

How can a health coach help you with weight loss, accountability. Watch this video to the end, to learn the answer. Thank you for taking a few minutes to watch this video. My name is Mike Veny. And on this channel, you will find peace of mind through original mental wellness tips, proven diversity and inclusion strategies, and so much more. If you are new welcome, I invite you to click that subscribe button and that little alert bell. So you can be the first to know when a new video comes out.

Jane Dye:


Mike Veny:

Shortly, you are going to get to watch an interview between Jane Dye and myself. Jane is a health coach, and I reached out to her to help me help you with your health. The popular topic of 2020 was your health. And I want you to start this year getting healthy so you can be the best version of yourself and prevent sickness. When I talk about mental health, which I usually talk about, I don’t say this enough, and I should say it more. Mental health is a component of overall health. So it’s really important to just focus on health in your life. Jane and I met years ago in a previous lifetime, I was a drummer and drum teacher full time. And I had the honor of teaching her son Connor drum lessons. I really miss those days. So I reached out to her and we got on zoom and here is our interview.

Mike Veny:

Jane, welcome back.

Jane Dye:

I love being back. How are you? Good. How are you doing great. Thank you.

Mike Veny:

Well, we are going to talk about a thing that’s on a lot of people’s minds in the new year when it comes to health, weight loss. And one of the things that I’ve learned is that people, when they talk about weight loss, there’s nutrition, and we do have a video we’ve done on integrative nutrition. If you haven’t watched that, please be sure to check that video out. But separate from that is accountability and accountability is really important. How do you stick with your plan or stick with your new habits? So how can a health coach help you with accountability? And I, you know, I could just use my friend, like why would I need a health coach to help me?

Jane Dye:

The number one problem in health and wellness or around diet and weight loss is compliance. Most of us know what to do. We just don’t always do it. So that’s where the accountability comes in. So we have three big areas of whole life and business, your health, your relationship, and money, and the most debilitating is your health. If it’s impaired, right? So if you’re not really healthy, it’s hard to get what you want in any other area of life. It’s just not sustainable. And we have to address the underlying reason or reasons. I should say why people don’t do what they know need to do to have successful outcomes. So we all know that medical doctors, are the masters of assessment and treatment. However, coaches are the masters of habit change and lifestyle change. So we help patients, who need action steps hand-holding and a transformational coaching method, to help them follow through.

Jane Dye:

So we offer support, accountability and experiential exercises that tap into your senses to anchor your motivations to your desired outcomes. So you can create greater change because knowledge does not equal behavior change or simply stated information doesn’t create transformation. Okay. So what creates transformation is in the body style of coaching and that’s where the accountability comes in. So you can be different without remembering to be different. One of the most important concepts around health coaching. So there are seven basic steps for people who want to lose weight, they need to stabilize their blood sugar. So their meals and snacks should include protein and fiber. We’ve talked a lot about hydration. That’s key. Also we need to calm inflammation. So then we didn’t imbalance fats, really good, healthy fats. those that have a lot of Omega threes, our ancestors never had to worry about this, but processed foods have changed that balance significantly.

Jane Dye:

We’ve got too many Omega sixes. They’re supposed to be a one-to-one ratio. So we get the good fats and we also slashed a sugar. there’s hidden sugars in so many foods. people aren’t even aware of it. And the only way we can really be confident that we never have too much sugar is eat whole foods, whatever they come with naturally is fine. It’s only in very extreme circumstances that we have to wonder, what is the sugar content of a piece of fruit? unless we have specific medical concerns, we want to add volume. You don’t have to talk a little bit about portions. we want to crowd out bad foods and bad habits by putting in those nutrient dense, healthy fruits and vegetables. We also were talking about lean protein and, you know, seeds and nuts and other great things that we can eat.

Jane Dye:

We can have a greater volume. we do need that people do need a volume of food and you can do that more easily, more healthfully that way we want to deconstruct and satisfy cravings. So we want to understand what our cravings are telling us, and we want to understand what could we eat or do besides what we normally do to address our cravings, you know, to try new things, to see whether or not they do satisfy us. many of my clients who come to me who have really serious sugar cravings were able to deconstruct that craving in three weeks. Yeah. About three to four weeks where they start, where the, where the bread basket, when they would go out to the restaurant, it’s may not be as relevant right now, but even at home, you know, calls to you and, you know, there’s this kind of mindless eating, you know, that they’re like, no, I have this other choice.

Jane Dye:

So her husband did that when he did my program, at one point was able to lose 30 pounds and decrease all the unhealthy indices and his blood work. and it was really by making some little swaps that were nor neutral, nutrient dense. So he felt fuller and felt more energetic. So we have to add in physical activity because we also want to establish that mind, body connection, but this is more movement and functional exercise. You really don’t have to go to gym. I like the gym. Do you like the gym? A lot of people do, but you don’t need to necessarily do that. I mean, it could be anything from regular movement to dance. I mean, I sometimes do some hula. it could be fun way, you know, and it is about it’s, you’re laughing and that’s what I love. We can tap into the things that bring us joy and make us happy in terms of physical activity.

Jane Dye:

and then we need to keep track of, of what we’re eating. There needs to be an awareness, you know, can’t be that we had whatever it was in the pantry when the door was closed and like that didn’t kind of count. so there’s no shame or guilt or blame. there is no sense of sense of failure, just feedback. So why would we go for that food and that in that way, let’s, let’s, let’s be honest about it and see if there’s a better alternative, because there’s no list of good or bad foods. Some are definitely more nutritious, but this just allows us to see what is in alignment with how we want to feel, how we want to be in our body. It’s not about, you know, you’re good or you’re bad because you eat something, you’re doing something, you know, cooking. Oh, I did forget that we’ve got to get cooking. And if that might just mean assembling food, but when we’re able to construct our snacks or meals, we know what’s going into them. No problem. Sometimes. And a lot of us were eating out so much as you have no idea what what’s in, the food that you’re eating. And sometimes for weight loss, that can be very difficult. We’re unaware of hidden fats and sugars that can cause problems.

Mike Veny:

Wow. So this, this is serious. One final thing I wanted to ask you, and this might help people watching this too. What’s, what’s an effective way to track your eating.

Jane Dye:

I think that’s an individual difference as well. Okay. So some people like to keep a food journal. some people like to use a photo, photos of meals, and then there are a lot of food apps. Now, if people thought, you know, it just depends what people are most comfortable in if they want to record. but we really not focusing on calories, really focusing on how food makes you feel. Do you feel more energetic? Do you feel less energetic? You know, what are you, how long are you able to go? If you eat a balanced meal, or, or that snack that has the protein and fiber it’s going to hold you longer. If you’re doing the hydration, you’re going to be able to, to, feel full and energized for a longer period of time.

Mike Veny:

Wow. Thank you so much for all these tips. I mean, this was really impactful. Every time I talk to you, like, I start, like, I’m thinking about peppers right now to get a fresh pepper and just so, so thanks. Thank you so much for this. And I think this is great. Where can people learn more about you and possibly work with you as a health coach?

Jane Dye:

Well, it’s easy enough to do, but just go into my website. it’s Jane K That’s my name. And there, they can sign up for a free initial consultation. and we can have a great conversation and see if we’re a right fit and whether or not if coaching is right for them. The goal is really just to help people to know, what next step to move forward in the direction of their health, their wellness and their dreams.

Mike Veny:

Awesome. Thank you so much for being here.

Jane Dye:

Thank you, Mike. I so appreciate having this time to talk with you.

Mike Veny:

You want some real weight loss, accountability. I encourage you to reach out to Jane dye. She is a health coach, and if you contact her through her website, she will offer you a free consultation. I put a link to her website in the description below. Thank you for watching this video. If you liked the video, please click that like button and share it with your friends in the next video, I’m going to be talking about integrative nutrition and whether or not it works. I’ll see you in the next video.




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– Mike Veny 😎

Mike Veny

Mike Veny won Corporate LiveWire’s 2022 & 2023 Innovation & Excellence Awards for his work as a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist®. He also won NAMI New York State’s 2023 Leader Of Mental Health Awareness award. As a PM360 ELITE Award Winner, he was recognized as one of the 100 most influential people in the healthcare industry for his work with patient advocacy. Determined to overcome a lifetime of serious mental health challenges, Mike’s career began as a professional drummer and evolved into becoming a change maker in the workplace wellness industry. Mike is the author of several books, including the best-selling book, Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero. He is currently furthering his knowledge at Maharishi International University, pursuing a Consciousness and Human Potential degree.
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