
How to Become a Paid Mental Health Speaker

How to Book Paid Speaking Gigs LEARN MORE You may think that since I work as a paid mental health speaker, I wouldn’t want to encourage others to do it as well. After all, by doing that I am creating more competition for myself. Even though there are quite a few of us doing this work, there […]...

The Top 5 College Mental Health Speakers Mike Veny is a college motivational speaker.Learn more about his programs here. We have a serious problem happening at colleges and universities around the country.  According to the National Institute of Mental Health, college students are more than twice as likely to have serious suicidal thoughts. And, those in the same age range (18 to 25 years old) are three times as likely to die by suicide....

How Gratitude Changes Your Life

November is the month when we are supposed to focus on being grateful. Families around the country sit down to enjoy a beautiful Thanksgiving dinner, and many take turns listing one thing they are thankful for from the past year. Without a doubt, taking the time to be grateful for a day, or a month […]...

What is National Depression Screening Day?

Did you know that October 5th is National Depression Screening Day? But just what is National Depression Screening Day? what is national depression screening day? As a part of Mental Illness Awareness Week, National Depression Screening Day is a chance to get many people screened for mental illness – far more than usual. Without singling […]...

How Mental Illness Affects Families

A Word This article on how mental illness affects families is in support of any member of my family who has been negatively affected by my behavior. My behavior at its worst frequently includes verbal attacks, emotional abuse, bullying, and harassment to name a few. While I’m not proud of this and am doing my […]...

How to Achieve and Maintain Emotional Sobriety

My Personal Epiphany After having months of crisis after crisis this year, I began learning how to achieve and maintain emotional sobriety. For me, emotional sobriety is showing up for myself emotionally each day. I do this through the following: Am I consistent with this? NOPE! But I’m making a proactive effort to be more consistent each day; […]...

What to Do When Family Members Don’t Like You

When Family Members Don’t Like You Some Background when family members don’t like you Recently, I have had some painful experiences with family members who don’t like me or support me. I found this particularly difficult because I’m spoiled on a daily basis, with people who contact me from around the world to let me […]...

MindPlace Kasina Mind Meditation System Review

Introduction Transparency is essential to me, so I am letting you know that I may receive a commission on any MindPlace Kasina Mind Media Meditation System link that you click on from this site. The team at The MindPlace Company sent me a complimentary unit to review. I currently own, regularly use, and have thoroughly reviewed this product. Please do not […]...