It’s important to practice self care when you’re feeling down and learn how to reparent yourself. Learning to self care when you’re feeling down takes practice and it’s life-changing when you master it.
In this video, Mike Veny discusses:
* A hack to reparenting your inner child
* How to identify your needs and wants
* An easy formula for how to meet your own emotional needs.
This video could also be called Self-Care When You Have No Time, Self-Care When Sad, or How To Meet Your Emotional Needs. So if you’re feeling down and depressed or need some “feeling down motivation”, then you need to watch this short video.
Mike Veny is a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist®, author, mental health speaker, course instructor and the CEO of Mike Veny, Inc. For most of Mike’s life, he’s struggled with depression and has learned how to do self-care when depressed.
Check out Mike’s continuing education courses on OpenSesame:
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Twitter: @MikeVeny
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Video hashtags: #emotionalwellbeing, #emotionalhealing, #mentalwellness