Understanding Autistic Employees: A Guide for Business Owners

Mike Veny

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Creating an inclusive, supportive workplace isn’t just a moral decision in the present day. It’s simply good business. A more diverse workplace brings a wider range of perspectives and problem-solving skills. One key example of where diversity in the workplace is a charged topic is in the case of autism. A neurodevelopmental condition that affects communication, sensory processing, and behavior, autism is often misunderstood as a mental health issue and viewed as a tricky conversation to have. Yet many autistic individuals bring invaluable strengths to the table, and understanding how to support them can lead to a more inclusive and productive workplace.

What does it mean to be autistic?

The answer to this question is necessarily broad-ranging: autism is a spectrum, which means that individuals experience it in very different ways. Some will have challenges with social interaction, while others struggle with sensory sensitivities or sudden changes in routine. On the flip side, autism tends to bring strengths such as the ability to focus deeply, think logically, and show incredible attention to detail.

Some individuals will engage in what is known as autistic stimming – classically, this refers to repetitive movements or sounds that help them regulate emotions or maintain focus. Not everyone with autism stims, and for those who do it is often a helpful behavior that allows them to perform better in their job. While some employees will be open about their autism and their stimming, others may not – and if you perceive it in those who have not disclosed their situation it’s wise not to bring attention to it. However, knowing that it exists can help employers make accommodations for those employees.

Communication and social interaction

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Probably the most common challenge for autistic employees is the issue of communication. Some may, for example, prefer written communication over verbal discussions as it allows them time to process information and formulate a response. Others may be slower to read social cues or understand implied meanings. This doesn’t mean that they can’t be lively and friendly members of the team, but some understanding can certainly help such employees settle in the workplace.

Employers can help autistic employees in a number of ways, which include:

  • Encouraging directness and clarity in communication; note that this does not necessarily mean being blunt, but focusing on the facts certainly helps.
  • Providing written summaries of meetings or discussions so that the key focuses can be bullet-pointed.
  • Offering alternative methods of communication: email and live chat can give employees time to process a conversation more fully.

Advance notice of discussions can also be helpful in reducing anxiety and encouraging participation from employees who might otherwise feel awkward speaking up.

Sensory sensitivities and the workplace environment

Many autistic individuals experience an elevated sensitivity to their environment, both in the workplace and outside it. Elements that can trigger this sensitivity include fluorescent lighting, loud chatter, strong smells, and even textures which can cause discomfort. These sensory sensitivities often lead to overstimulation, which can make an employee feel anxious, uncomfortable, or unable to concentrate. It is beneficial to think of ways to accommodate sensitivities, which may include:

  • Allowing employees to wear noise-canceling headphones to shut out noises such as ringing phones or photocopiers.
  • Providing a quiet workspace, or allowing flexible work-from-home options where possible.
  • Allow adjustments to office lighting or seating arrangements to help employees deal with stimuli.

Making such accommodations allows autistic employees to work without needless distractions and discomfort, and allows them to perform to their highest potential.

Routine, structure, and handling change

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While all autistic people experience the condition in their own way, the need for predictability is one that is common to a vast majority. Sudden changes in workflow, last-minute invites to meetings, or short-notice amendments to their schedule may cause stress and affect productivity. Where avoidable, these changes should be avoided, and to assist employees it is wise to ensure you:

  • Provide clear schedules and give as much notice as possible for any changes.
  • Explain the reasons behind new processes and amendments to workflow; autistic employees can accept change where they see the logic.
  • Offer written documentation to explain tasks and policies.

Even employees who do not have autism will generally benefit from increased clarity and greater structure in workflow. It also helps create an overall culture that supports fairness and allows greater inclusion for all.

Supporting autistic employees in the workplace

Autism is not a problem to be solved. It is a characteristic that makes up part of an employee’s modus operandi. It may help to think of it as being similar to an athlete who performs better under certain conditions; by making necessary adjustments you can unlock the potential of a team member and benefit the workplace overall. Furthermore, to create a workplace where both autistic and non-autistic employees can thrive, it is beneficial to:

  • Set out a clear understanding that your workplace is autism-friendly. Among other things, this will allow employees who may have been nervous about disclosing their condition to feel more comfortable in telling you what they need.
  • Educating managers and co-workers on autism awareness and inclusivity. More and more people are being diagnosed with autism, and more people now know someone who is autistic. Underlining what it means in the workplace can open lines of communication.
  • Encouraging an open-door policy where not only can autistic employees speak confidently about their needs, but co-workers can gain some disambiguation about what is expected of them.

By normalizing the concept of different working styles, a workplace can build mutual respect and collaboration and unlock the skills and potential of all employees. It also allows everyone to be at their most comfortable in the workplace and, over time, builds stronger team bonds.

To underline perhaps the most important point of this discussion, autism-friendly workplaces benefit everyone. Understanding both the strengths and challenges of autistic employees can result in a more innovative and effective environment. Often, inclusivity is misunderstood as treating everyone exactly the same; but the reality is that it means recognizing and accommodating different needs so that everyone can work to their highest level.

Mike Veny

Mike Veny won Acquisition International Magazine's 2025 Global Excellence Award along with Corporate LiveWire’s 2022, 2023 & 2024 Innovation & Excellence Awards for his work as a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist®. He also won NAMI New York State’s 2023 Leader Of Mental Health Awareness award. As a PM360 ELITE Award Winner, he was recognized as one of the 100 most influential people in the healthcare industry for his work with patient advocacy. Determined to overcome a lifetime of serious mental health challenges, Mike’s career began as a professional drummer and evolved into becoming a change maker in the workplace wellness industry. Mike is the author of several books, including the best-selling book, Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero. He is currently furthering his knowledge at Maharishi International University, pursuing a Consciousness and Human Potential degree.