How Mental Health Impacts Employee Productivity

Mike Veny

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How Mental Health Impacts Employee Productivity

The mental health of your employees can have a severe impact on their productivity. If you are currently noticing that your employees are lacking in motivation, it could be that they are experiencing some kind of mental burnout. If this is widespread in an organization, it means that changes have to be made. 

If you’re not sure exactly what is happening and how to curtail it, here are some tips that will help you to pinpoint whether or not your employee’s productivity is being affected by the work environment. You will also find helpful suggestions on how to improve the situation.

Lack of Effort 

The bottom line is that the type of work environment that you provide for your employees can have a good or bad impact on their productivity in the workplace. Remember that if your employees are mentally drained and exhausted, it will affect your business as well. 

There’s no getting away from that since employees are the lifeblood of the business. This is why you need to make sure that they are mentally capable of performing the daily tasks that are put before them. 

If you have a small organization, the best thing you can do is to talk directly to your employees about the situation and see if they will open up. 

Of course, it depends on the type of relationship that you have with them. If the relationship is strained, you need to take action to start changing that immediately, as this is likely a contributing factor to the mental stress that is leading to a lack of productivity. 

Mental health can be a very sensitive issue. If you have no idea how to deal with something like that, it is always best to call in a professional to assist you with getting to the root of the problem so that you can once again enjoy a positive work environment.

High Turnover Rate

One thing that can severely cripple work in an organization is a high turnover rate. A high turnover rate usually occurs when employees are disgruntled with how they are treated in an organization. 

A negative work or business culture is detrimental to the health of your employees, and many people will quit instead of enduring that kind of atmosphere for the long term. 

If you notice that productivity is falling among the employees who are staying with your business while you have a high turnover rate, it’s a sign that toxic work culture is taking root. You need to do something to immediately turn this around. 

If you don’t, you will continuously cycle through different employees and have the same problems. Changing employees will not change the culture of the workplace. 

It can also get very expensive on the pocket as you will constantly have to be training new employees to take over positions. You may also have employees who are quitting in the middle of projects, and this can severely impact the productivity of the organization.

Absent Employees 

One way you can tell if your work environment is toxic and having a negative mental impact on your employees is when employees are absent very often. Frequent employee absenteeism is usually a result of mental stress. 

When workers are frequently absent, it means that other employees will need to take up this slack. It may be that those other employees are not able to complete the projects based on how it has been allocated. This means that projects can be stalled continuously, and you will fail to meet your goals. 

If you notice that many of your employees are frequently absent for vague reasons or if they are genuinely becoming ill, it may be due to high levels of mental stress caused by the work environment. Bear in mind that mental health issues will often start physically affecting your employees, and this may be what is causing those employees who are genuinely ill to stay off the job.

Find Solutions

If you are experiencing any of the three situations listed above it is obvious that you cannot afford to let your business continue in such a manner. As previously discussed, having staff members absent regularly will put your business at a disadvantage. 

Employees who are burned out and do not show up to work because they are not feeling well, they are feeling mentally drained by the environment, high turnover rates, and low productivity are all things that you need to fix immediately if you are to develop a positive work culture. If you are wondering how to fix all this, look at these suggestions.

Change Company Culture

The first and most effective way to change everything is to be mindful of your company culture and to try to change it. You need to let your employees know that you care. 

Create a more comfortable environment for them by listening to their opinions and ideas. The more your employees feel that they are being listened to and their ideas are respected, the more productive they will be.

Delegate Responsibility Evenly

Whenever possible, you should try to delegate responsibility among your team evenly. If, currently, some individuals feel as if they are bearing the burden of the workload while others have life a bit easier, it is time to spread out the balance of work and make sure that everybody is doing their fair share. 

You can also outsource work whenever possible if you cannot afford to employ new employees to take on certain workloads. Outsourcing is usually more affordable in some cases. For example, if you have a marketing department, you could outsource your marketing to a company such as 2 Visions, so that there will be less pressure on your pocket and your employees.

Create a Good Work-Life Balance

Creating a good work-life balance for your employees is also something you should make a priority. Consider letting your employees work from home whenever possible. 

Creating a hybrid system of employment can help your employees have more time with their families and friends, and this can, in turn, increase their productivity and mental health.

Provide Adequate Equipment

Providing the right equipment for your employees is another thing that can help to improve their productivity. It can be frustrating for your employees when they have to deal with computers or other outdated forms of equipment. 

This can cause frustration, and it will affect their job performance and mental health as well. It may also be a reason for the high turnover rate, as employees will look to find work elsewhere because they cannot adequately carry out the tasks and this is causing stress.

Mental Health and Productivity

There is little doubt that there is a direct correlation between your employee’s mental health and their productivity. Since this is a fact, it is important for you, as an employer to take your employee’s mental health into serious consideration. 

Failure to do this may result in employees being unable to carry on essential tasks of your business. This can cost you revenue and clients as well. 

The bottom line is that you should invest in your employees as much as possible to ensure that they are always in the best mental and physical health possible to help your business achieve success.

Mike Veny

Mike Veny won Corporate LiveWire’s 2022 & 2023 Innovation & Excellence Awards for his work as a Certified Corporate Wellness Specialist®. He also won NAMI New York State’s 2023 Leader Of Mental Health Awareness award. As a PM360 ELITE Award Winner, he was recognized as one of the 100 most influential people in the healthcare industry for his work with patient advocacy. Determined to overcome a lifetime of serious mental health challenges, Mike’s career began as a professional drummer and evolved into becoming a change maker in the workplace wellness industry. Mike is the author of several books, including the best-selling book, Transforming Stigma: How to Become a Mental Wellness Superhero. He is currently furthering his knowledge at Maharishi International University, pursuing a Consciousness and Human Potential degree.
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