A Word This article on how mental illness affects families is in support of any member of my family who has been negatively affected by my behavior. My behavior at its worst frequently includes verbal attacks, emotional abuse, bullying, and harassment to name a few....
How to Achieve and Maintain Emotional Sobriety
https://youtu.be/ztSv2wYIv14 My Personal Epiphany After having months of crisis after crisis this year, I began learning how to achieve and maintain emotional sobriety. For me, emotional sobriety is showing up for myself emotionally each day. I do this through...
What to Do When Family Members Don’t Like You
When Family Members Don’t Like You Some Background when family members don't like you Recently, I have had some painful experiences with family members who don’t like me or support me. I found this particularly difficult because I’m spoiled on a daily basis, with...
Mindplace Kasina Review: Is This Mind Media System Worth It?
Introduction Transparency is essential to me, so I am letting you know that I may receive a commission on any MindPlace Kasina Mind Media System link that you click on from this site. The team at The MindPlace Company sent me a complimentary unit to review. I...
Guest Article: Facing My Shadow
This article is the personal narrative of “The Mike Veny Show” co-host and journalist, Leanna Johnson, who deals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). It may be triggering to anyone who has dealt with trauma, abuse, or assault. She is not a mental health...
The Art of Learning to Sit with Your Feelings
All human beings experience emotions. They are a critical component of our lives and crucial to our survival. We are designed to feel a broad range of emotions, some of which might be comfortable, and others may be uncomfortable. There are no two ways about it: we all...