Mike Veny is a workplace mental health speaker. Learn more about his IACET accredited programs here. CHECK FEES & AVAILABILITY *Updated August 9, 2021 Right when things were starting to feel somewhat "normal" again, things are starting to change again. Many...
Tense & Triggered: How to Defuse Conflict in a Year of Pandemic, Politics, and Protests
Mike Veny is a workplace mental health speaker. Learn more about his programs here. CHECK FEES & AVAILABILITY I'll let you in on a secret. When I started the plans for this blog post, I wanted to start off heated. I wanted to get everyone riled up. I wanted all of...
How the Mike Veny Brand is Committed to You for the Rest of 2020
2020 has been a heck of a year. And that might be the biggest understatement. COVID-19. Racism. Murder hornets (even though attention to them was short-lived). Political tension. It seems like as soon as we think we're starting to get a handle on one thing, another...
Workplace Mental Health: The Impact of Trauma on Employees and What Your Role is as an Employer
I think it's fair to say that the vast majority of employers want to create an environment that's good for their employees. That seems to be easier said than done right now. We're all living through trauma in one way or another this year. As a mental health speaker,...
A School Administrator’s Guide for Emotional Wellness During the Reopening
Hey there, school administrator... I see you. 2020 has brought you challenges that you never could have imagined before. Not only were you faced with figuring out how to quickly switch to remote learning to end the '19-'20 school year, the pandemic didn't blow over...
Is 2020 A Year of Devastating Trauma or Incredible Resilience: The Choice is Yours
Sometimes it's just nice to hear that everything is going to be OK. I know 2020 has been filled with what seems like an endless supply of doom-and-gloom challenges, but we are going to be OK. As people, we are strong. We are resilient. And we will get through this....