Doing More For Your Employee's Mental Health

Photo by Antoni Shkraba

Are you someone who wants to take better care of their employee’s mental health? If so, good on you. Although your employees might already practice things to improve their mental health, you can do more. Work can cause stress and anxiety, which are not going to help your employees stay happy and well. 

Hence, it is wise to understand the best ways to help them maintain positivity and good mental health. Here, you can find some great tips and advice to do more for your employee’s mental health.

Offer more relaxing business trips

Business trips can be tiring and sap employees’ energy, leaving them stressed and tired. Both of which will not help their mental health. If you want to take good care of your employee’s mental health, you need to reconsider your tiring business trips. If they are necessary for the future of your business, make them more rewarding for employees. You’ll all benefit from it.

Looking into executive and corporate retreats will give you the opportunity to hold fun events and build team spirit while offering employees the chance to unwind and relax. Most business events and trips can be exhausting for employees. This can hinder their energy levels and motivation when they return to work. Hence, it makes sense to offer them a more relaxing trip so they can reset their minds and still focus on work. You can pursue team-building activities, get work done, and help your employees relax and maintain good health. You will all get the best of both worlds and guarantee to take good care of your employee’s mental health.

Create a supportive culture at work

Understanding mental health at work is the first step you need to take as a company owner. Then, you can work on creating a culture that’s supportive of mental health, which is the foundation of any good mental health movement. You want to create a culture that is going to normalize touching base on an individual and group level about mental health. This includes having open conversations, not stigmatizing, and having a safe environment where people can come out and say that they’re having some challenges with mental health without fearing those judgments. Having that culture helps break boundaries and create a sense of community. 

Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs)

Implementing robust Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) is a proactive step toward providing comprehensive mental health support. EAPs provide confidential counseling and referral services. They also provide information and referral services to help all employees and their family members with personal and work-related concerns. EAPs can be a helpful resource that may assist employees in dealing with stress, anxiety, and other mental health conditions. 

Managers’ training on mental health

Managers should be trained to identify signs of mental illness in their employees, provide resources, and create a supportive work environment. Training programs can be designed for managers to equip them with knowledge on how to address mental health in the workplace. Managers play a significant role in employee’s experiences, and awareness can promote a mentally healthy workplace. 

Giving opportunities for flexible work arrangements

Recognizing that different employees have different needs, businesses can implement a variety of flexible work options: e.g., remote work, flex-time, and compressed work weeks. By providing employees with the opportunity to choose their own arrangements, organizations give them the ability to better integrate their professional and personal lives. Flexibility reduces stress, supports a healthy work-life balance, and also has a positive impact on mental well-being. 

It incorporates mental health days off and helps. Providing paid time off specifically designated for mental health provides complicated self-care without adding to financial stress. 

Consider offering access to wellness programs 

Wellness programs can be defined as comprehensive health initiatives that cater to the multidimensional needs of employees related to physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It includes fitness programs, stress management courses, wellness applications, and others in this category. This way, companies not only help employees enhance their overall health condition but also contribute towards the mental health of the workforce as a whole. 

Give access to mental health resources

Ensure employees have easy access to mental health resources, including information on counseling services, helplines, and online mental health platforms. Proactively sharing this information helps to normalize mental health and encourages individuals to seek support when they are struggling. 

Check-ins and feedback

Create a culture of regular check-ins between managers and employees. Encourage open conversations around work-related stress, career development, and job fulfillment. Providing constructive feedback not only allows a sense of connection but also gives insights into areas where additional support may be necessary. 

Destigmatize the conversation around mental health

Sponsor awareness campaigns and programs that contextualize and de-stigmatize mental health conversations. Set up group sessions, lectures, or conferences aimed at educating employees about mental health, disproving stereotypes, and promoting empathy and understanding. Normalize these conversations so employees are more understanding and inclusive. 

Collaborate with mental health professionals

Partner with mental health professionals or organizations to offer on-site counseling, workshops, or educational sessions. Teaming up with experts can increase the level of support you offer employees and show your commitment to their mental health.

Peer support programs

Implement peer support programs within the workplace. Encourage the formation of support networks where employees can connect with colleagues facing similar challenges. Peer support fosters a sense of camaraderie, reduces feelings of isolation, and creates an avenue for shared experiences and advice.

Mindfulness and relaxation spaces

Designate spaces within the workplace for mindfulness and relaxation. Create quiet areas where employees can engage in meditation, deep breathing exercises, or simply take a break to decompress. Providing dedicated spaces for relaxation supports stress reduction and enhances mental clarity.

Recognition and appreciation initiatives

Incorporate recognition programs that celebrate employees’ achievements and contributions. Feeling appreciated boosts morale and positively impacts mental well-being. Recognizing accomplishments, both big and small, creates a positive and affirming work environment. Start now and you’ll notice a huge difference in how supported your staff feel, which will boost their happiness.