
How to Hire the Right Mental Health Speaker for an Event

Let’s be honest, as a meeting planner, you have your work cut out for you. There are high expectations from those above you to bring in the right mental health speaker to get butts in seats. Then there are high expectations from attendees who want to be educated and entertained while feeling the money and/or […]...

Family: The Other F-Word

Do you get to see your family a lot? Are you seeing family for the holidays? I bet your family is proud of you. Is that f-word stirring up a lot of emotion for you? I get it. It does for me too. Those statements sound harmless to people living with healthy family relationships. But […]...

What People Need for Better Workplace Mental Health

Workplace mental wellness. Does that sound like an oxymoron to you? Unfortunately, that’s how many people feel because of the poor mental health conditions that are in the business culture today. Workplace mental health is something that desperately needs to be addressed for the good of you, your company, and the world. That’s right. I […]...
How Our Perceptions Shape Diversity and Inclusion

How Our Perceptions Shape Diversity and Inclusion

Gray and Teal Shoes Aren’t the Only Things We See Differently The gray and teal shoes, the gold and white dress, and Yanny vs. Laurel. As a society, we just can’t get enough of these puzzling situations. And even though science does its best to try to explain it to us, our perception causes us […]...

Mosaic Weighted Blankets Review

Here’s the not-so-fine print: Transparency is important to me. The great folks over at Mosaic Weighted Blankets sent me a complimentary blanket. If you decide to purchase one of their products by following a link in this article, I may receive a commission. However, my brand is my name. Just look around on the website, my name and face […]...

Does Focusing on Minority Mental Health Exclude the Majority?

How are you feeling right now? A little uncomfortable after reading the title? I’m not surprised. When you throw the words “minority” and “mental health” into a conversation on their own, things can get a little uncomfortable. Put the words together and add in “majority” and it might feel downright awkward. But July is Minority […]...