Anxiety is one of the great dullers of life. It makes everything less enjoyable. Most of the time, it’s controllable. However, you may go through episodes where you feel like you’re spinning into oblivion. If that sounds like you, here are some of the things you...
How to Have Productive Conversations on Hot Topics in 2022
As you know, February is Black History Month. While it's meant to be a month to celebrate the achievements of African Americans throughout history, the month comes preloaded with all kinds of emotions across the spectrum. Some appreciate it as a time to celebrate...
Simple Ways To Boost Mental Health While Working From Home
Working from home has become the new norm for many people since the pandemic. With a lot of workplaces starting to see the benefits of a more flexible working schedule, many of us have been able to cut down our morning commute and enjoy working in the comfort of our...
4 Ways to Promote Mental Safety in the Workplace
While physical safety is an absolute must for employees, mental safety is one that, unfortunately, many employers seem to miss out on. While it’s true that since the COVID-19 pandemic, there has been an increasing awareness of employee physical safety, it shouldn’t...
Stress Busting Tips You Need This Week
We all get stressed. Most of us spend a large amount of our time stressed, and while reading this there might be a few of you that are stressed right now. Stress can be a terrible thing to live with, and as well as being an annoyance and a mood ruiner,...
Are Your Employees Overworked?
Employee health and well-being are viewed as more important now than at any point in recent memory. The physical and mental health effects of a stressful job, poor company culture, or overworking are being recognized and tackled by many employers. After...